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Design-driven innovation revolves around advances in design that add new meaning to existing technology

Market-driven innovation occurs as a result of demand from the marketplace

Technology-driven innovation refers to the development of new business models, ideas, and processes that are enabled by new technological capabilities

  • VARN Prioritize Disruptive Change: Growth and customer experience (CX) improvement continue to be top priorities for us. Leaders also put some priority on disruption, such as business model and employee experience (EX) innovation, while laggards do not.
  • VARN Have A Culture Of Risk-Taking To Create Customer Value: Leaders embrace constant change, innovating around customer-obsessed future outcomes. We fail fast, are willing to develop new technology when it doesn’t exist in the market, and worry less about competitor disruption.
  • VARN Understand And Adapt To Future Customer Needs: Technology continues to create disruptive opportunity for firms that understand customers’ future needs and take early action. Technologydriven innovation (TDI) helps you stay ahead.
  • Create a culture of innovation that rewards experimentation and embraces constant change
  • Collaborate with your innovation ecosystem to innovate more disruptively
  • Scout emerging technologies and market trends by paying more attention to the startup community and venture investment