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3 years ago   IT & Telecoms, Software   Edison   515 views
Job Details

•           5+ years of professional experience with hands-on development building websites, CMS solutions.

•           3+ years of Adobe Experience Manager Front-End design and Development( preferred AEM 6.5 version experience)
•           Proficiency with HTML, CSS, ES6 JavaScript, and Web Standards
•           Proficiency with JavaScript libraries including jQuery
•           Proficiency with WCAG guidelines and Web Accessibility development practices
•           Experience with JavaScript application frameworks such as React JS, Angular.js
•           Proficiency with front-end workflow automation tools and build tooling, including CSS pre-compilers, JavaScript testing and build tools, and CI/CD tools
•           Experience with cross browser/device responsive development
•           Familiarity with Agile Software Development practices

Company Description
Kforce is a solutions firm that builds and manages expert teams in technology and finance & accounting. We deliver on your business objectives by combining a global KNOWLEDGEforce®—our namesake—with flexible delivery and an unmatched drive for excellence. Kforce serves as a trusted partner to more than 4,000 organizations, providing next-level insights and powerful results.